00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Wireless System Development with nRF24

Game Controller | Google Firebase | Remote Dashboard


xmas 20222
  • 24+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded RFID/NFC Development Pack

Bare-Metal NFC Firmware | Modern Desktop Application


XMAS 20222
  • 30+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Systems Design Patterns From Ground Up

The goal of this course is to provide a set tools for firmware developers to deal with commonly recurring firmware design issues. T


  • 16+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Systems Cellular Firmware Development(GSM)

This course teaches you how to develop drivers and libraries for adding cellular functionality to your embedded device.


XMAS 20222
  • 10+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) From Ground Up

Have you ever wondered what MQTT is?
Have you ever wondered why MQTT is so relevant to IoT development?


XMAS 20222
  • 14+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Ethernet Programming with HAL

Write drivers for the Ethernet peripheral as well as write embedded Ethernet firmware for different networking protocols such as http, dhcp etc.


XMAS 20222
  • 10+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Wifi Bare-Metal Development

This course teaches you how to develop drivers and libraries for connecting your embedded device to the internet.
This course uses the STM32 microcontroller and the ESP8266 WIFI chip. 


XMAS 20222
  • 14+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Deep Learning on ARM 

This course teaches you how to how to build A.I models from scratch on your microcontroller. 


XMAS 20222
  • 18+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Build Systems with GNU Tools and Makefiles 

This course teaches you how to develop bare-metal embedded firmware without using any IDE - just the command line, a text editor and makefiles.


XMAS 20222
  • 10+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Realtime Operating Systems (RTOS) Learning Path

This Learning Path contains 4 courses- Prerequisite courses and the actual courses for building your own realtime operating systems from scratch,


XMAS 20222
  • 4 courses | 47+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Bare-Metal C/C++
 Learning Path

This Learning Path contains 3 courses on bare-metal c/c++ embedded systems programming


XMAS 20222
  • 3 courses | 47+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Ethernet Programming Learning Path

This Learning Path contains 3 courses that will take you from a complete beginner to developing your own bare-metal ethernet drivers.


XMAS 20222
  • 3 courses | 43+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

STM32 Development
 Learning Path

This  Learning Path helps students master all aspects of coding the STM32 family of micro-controllers, from bare-metal development to using STM32 frameworks such as CubeMX,HAL and LL.


XMAS 20222
  • 8 courses | 90+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Internet of Things (IoT) Learning Path

This Learning Path will help you master 3 key areas of IoT:
- Bluetooth Low Energy Development
- Bare-Metal WiFi Development
- Iot Systems Design


XMAS 20222
  • 3 courses | 36+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Extreme Embedded Firmware Engineering Learning Path

After taking this learning path you should be able to build professional embedded firmware using just the command line, a text editor and Makefiles in C/C++.


XMAS 20222
  • 3 courses | 44+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Ethernet Essential Training with CubeMX

The goal of this course is to teach you how to build real world embedded Ethernet applications using the STM32CubeMX framework.


XMAS 20222
  • 9+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded System IoT Systems Design Pack

This course teaches you how build a complete Internet-of-Thing (IoT) system from scratch using just your development board without any specialized wireless radio. 


XMAS 20222
  • 23+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

Embedded Ethernet Bare - Metal Programming 

This course teaches you how to write bare-metal drivers for the Ethernet peripheral as well as write embedded Ethernet firmware for different networking protocols such as http, dhcp etc


XMAS 20222
  • 28+ hours videos lessons
  • Complete source code included

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