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 Mastering STM32 CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE Training

Code Drivers and Firmware : PWM, USB,TIMER, SPI, ADC, UART, DMA,FreeRTOS,Embedded-C, Assembly etc

10+ hours  | Complete source code included

This course teaches you how build embedded systems firmware and peripheral drivers using the STM32CubeMX 5 framework and the STMCubeIDE development environment. This course has many sections but primarily the course can be divided into three parts. 

The first part deals with peripheral driver development. In this part we master how to use the STM32CubeMX framework to setup the clocks and register parameters of our peripheral drivers and then go on to the CubeIDE development environment to complete the development and testing of peripheral drivers. We shall master different setup configurations of our peripheral drivers in this part. These peripherals include the Universal Serial Bus (USB), the PWM, the SPI, the ADC, UART and the DMA.

The second part of this master course deals with developing embedded firmware applications using some of the Middleware provided by the STM32CubeMX framework. One of such Middleware we shall master is the FreeRTOS Realtime Kernel. We shall see how to use STM32CubeMX to create tasks and semaphores and other kernel components for realtime firmware development. We shall also see how to develop these kernel components from scratch using our CubeIDE development environment alone.

The third part of the course deals with working the CubeIDE as a standalone development environment. Over here we shall see how to develop bare-metal embedded-c firmware and drivers without using any libraries. We shall literally download the microcontroller chip's datasheet and develop our firmware and drivers using information from the datasheet only. We shall then go on to use this same datasheet information to develop firmware and peripheral drivers using ARM Assembly Language.
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Sometimes I could get my firmware to work but I couldn’t understand a large portion of the code.

I didn’t know what some of the registers were doing. "Why do we write this hexadecimal number into that particular register ?" I would often ask.

Other times I could understand every line of code in the firmware but couldn’t get the firmware to work.

Because I wasn’t good enough, I couldn’t build exactly what I wanted if there were no already made drivers and libraries out there that I could use. Worst of all I couldn’t even get another microcontroller to work apart from the microcontroller used in class.
Long story short, I overcame all of this....
I devised a plan to master the fundamentals...
Quickly read the sections of interest in the datasheet...
Created my own firmware development checklist...
Created my own study guide...

I started creating courses to help other people like yourself master embedded systems development in the most efficient way possible, no waste of time, no frustrations. There is no need for you to go through the same roadblocks and frustrations I went through  some years ago.

Now it's time for you also to benefit from the...

Modern Embedded-C 
From Ground Up