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Embedded Ethernet Programming with HAL

        Build Embedded Ethernet Firmware : HTTP, SSI, CGI etc

 10+ hours | Complete Source Code Included

This course is  the intermediate level course of a learning path teaching you how to write/configure drivers for the Ethernet peripheral as well as write embedded Ethernet firmware for different networking protocols such as http, dhcp etc.


 Lesson : Developing the User LwIP Init Function
In this lesson we see how to implement a function to initialise the LwIP stack.
 So with that understood, let me tell you…:

         What make this course different from the beginner course ?

In this course we write all the Ethernet drivers ourselves using the the STM32 HAL APIs. Unlike the beginner course, in this course we also implement the Ethernet interface files linking our Ethernet module to the LwIP library ourselves. 
The STM32 Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) provides a simple, generic multi-instance set of APIs (application programming interfaces) to interact with the upper layers like the user application, libraries and stacks.

In this intermediate course we also implement more examples of embedded Ethernet applications.

This intermediate course can be divided into 4 major sections

       First Section

 In the first section we give a short introduction to networking and then explore the ethernet capabilities of the STM32F7 microcontroller.

       Second Section

 In this section we write drivers for all the peripherals we will be using in the course. We write drivers for the ADC, UART, RCC and GPIO.

       Third Section

 In the third section we write all the drivers required to fully configure the Ethernet module. We will implement a driver for configuring the Ethernet gpio pins to operate in RMII mode, we will implement a driver for transmitting packets, another one for receiving packets etc.

It is in this section that we decide on the Ethernet parameters such the speed, the duplex, whether to use auto-negotiation or not etc. After configuring the Ethernet module we conclude this section by implementing a function that interfaces our Ethernet module to the Light Weight IP (LwIP) library. LwIP is a small independent open-source implementation of the TCP/IP protocol stack designed for embedded systems.

       Last  Section

 The final section begins by giving an introduction to Light Weight IP (LwIP) and then goes on to build embedded Ethernet applications. Here are some the applications we shall build:
Checking if the cable is connected
Getting an IP address from DHCP
Hosting Webpages with httpd
Displaying Realtime Data on Webpages with SSI
Working with Multiple SSI Tags
Controlling Hardware from WebServers using CGI
Injecting HTML code into a Webpage using SSI and CGI
By the end of this course...

You Will Be Able To :

  • Understand the Fundamentals of Networking.
  • ​Understand the fundamentals of the Light Weight IP (LwIP) stack.
  • ​Write Drivers for the STM32F7 Ethernet Peripheral using HAL APIs.
  • ​Write Embedded Ethernet Applications for Hosting Web pages.
  • ​Write Embedded Ethernet Applications for Controlling Hardware through Web pages.
  • ​Write Embedded Ethernet Applications for Sending Sensor Data to Web pages.

Table of Contents

  • Getting Started
  • ​Downloading CubeIDE
  • ​Installing CubeIDE
  • ​Getting Started
  • ​Getting the right documentation
  • ​Getting the relevant HAL Package
  • ​Creating the right Project Tree
  • ​Developing the Required Peripheral Drivers
  • ​​Programming : Configuring the System Clock (Pt.1)
  • ​Programming : Configuring the System Clock (Pt.2)
  • ​Programming : Developing the GPIO Output Driver (Pt.1)
  • ​Programming : Developing the GPIO Output Driver (Pt.2)
  • ​Programming : Developing the UART Driver (Pt.1)
  • ​Programming : Developing the UART Driver (Pt.2)
  • ​Programming : Developing the ADC Driver (Pt.1)
  • ​Programming : Developing the ADC Driver (Pt.2)
  • ​ Introduction to Networking
  • ​Introduction to Networking
  • ​Overview of Network Models and their Layers
  • ​Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol
  •  Introduction to Light Weight IP (LwIP)
  • ​Introduction to Light Weight IP (LwIP)
  • ​Overview of the LwIP Architecture
  • ​Programming : Developing the User LwIP Init Function
  • ​Developing Ethernet Applications with LwIP
  • ​Programming : Checking if the cable is connected
  • ​Programming : Getting an IP address from DHCP
  • ​Programming : Hosting Webpages with httpd
  • ​Introduction to Server Side Includes (SSI) and Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
  • ​Programming : Displaying Realtime Data on Webpages with SSI
  • ​Programming : Working with Multiple SSI Tags
  • ​Programming : Working with Multiple SSI Tags - 3 Pages
  • ​Programming : Working with Multiple SSI Tags - All Modules in a Single Page
  • ​Programming : Controlling Hardware from WebServer using CGI
  • ​Programming : Injecting HTML Code into a Webpage using SSI and CGI
  • ​Programming : Injecting HTML Code into a Webpage using SSI and CGI -More Tags
  •  Getting to know the Ethernet Capabilities of the STM32F7
  • ​Introduction to the STM32F7 Ethernet MAC
  • ​Features of the STM32F7 Ethernet MAC
  • ​A closer look at the core features
  • ​Developing the Ethernet Peripheral
  • Programming : Developing the Ethernet GPIO Configuration Function
  • ​Programming : Developing the Ethernet Low Level Init Function (Pt.1)
  • ​Programming : Developing the Ethernet Low Level Init Function (Pt.2)
  • ​Programming : Developing the DMA Ethernet Low Level Transmit Function (Pt.1)
  • ​Programming : Developing the DMA Ethernet Low Level Transmit Function (Pt.2)
  • ​Programming : Developing the DMA Ethernet Low Level Receive Function (Pt.1)
  • ​Programming : Developing the DMA Ethernet Low Level Receive Function (Pt.2)
  • ​Programming : Developing the Ethernet Interface Input Function
  • ​Programming : Developing the Ethernet Interface Init Function
  • ​Programming : Developing the Ethernet Interface Update Config Function
A little about me : Israel Ninsaw Gbati
Some of you may have taken some of my embedded systems courses from other online platforms. 
This is my private channel. 

I have been writing embedded firmware for years, I have built embedded devices like consumer products and robotic arms.
Till date I have 
trained over 75,000 students in embedded
 firmware development online till date
...including third year undergraduate university students in-person.

If you have taken any of my courses before you will know I start from the absolute basics, I do not assume that the student has any prior knowledge of the topic under discussion. You will also know that by the end of the course you understand the functions of every register used in developing the particular firmware or driver.

This method is the same for all of my published embedded systems courses. 

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