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Hands-On GPS Bare-Metal Firmware Development

Develop Bare-Metal GPS Firmware from scratch

 9+ hours | Complete Source Code Included

Welcome to the Hands-On GPS Bare-Metal Firmware Development course.

This course teaches you how to develop bare-metal drivers and libraries for receiving and parsing satellite data, in other words to build a complete gps system that is able to tell current longitude, latitude  altitude (position) number of satellites being tracked etc.
So with that understood, let me tell you…

Exactly What You’re Getting

This course can be divided into 4 major sections.

First Section

The first section is theoretical. In this section we start by learning about Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS) and then we go on learn about how GPS works and some factors that may affect GPS precision. We shall deal with topics such as:
  • The different Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS) accross the world
  • ​GPS Trilateration
  • Empheris and Almanac
  • ​Using GPS for Geographic Information systems(GIS)
  • ​The GPS Error Budget
  • ​etc

Second Section

In the second section we shall develop all the divers to help us debug and implement some realword applications once we have developed all modules of the system. Over here we shall develop :
  • A Timebase to help us generate precise delays
  • ​A UART driver to help us to print out debug information

 Third Section

In the third section we shall develop a driver to interface our chosen gps module(NEO-6M GPS) to our STM32 microcontroller. We shall then go on to develop efficient data structures for managing communication data between the GPS module and the STM32 microcontroller.

Last Section

We shall learn about the GPS NMEA data structure and then combine the driver and data structure developed in the previous sections together with our knowlege of the GPS NMEA data structure to develop a library that will properly parse data received by the GPS module from the satellites so that the data can be presented in a readbable and undserstandable way.

As always, no copy/paste. We write each line code from scratch.

A little about me : Israel Ninsaw Gbati
Some of you may have taken some of my embedded systems courses from other online platforms. 
This is my private channel. 

I have been writing embedded firmware for years, I have built embedded devices like consumer products and robotic arms.
Till date I have 
trained over 100,000 students in embedded
 firmware development online till date
...including third year undergraduate university students in-person.

If you have taken any of my courses before you will know I start from the absolute basics, I do not assume that the student has any prior knowledge of the topic under discussion. You will also know that by the end of the course you understand the functions of every register used in developing the particular firmware or driver.

This method is the same for all of my published embedded systems courses. 

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    Super Cool Bonus 

    Micrium uC/OS-III RTOS Programming From Ground Up on ARM

    This course teaches you how to build real-time applications using Micrium's uC /OS-III, one of the most popular industry grade real-time operating systems for embedded systems.  

    The course gives a detailed overview of the characteristics of the uC/OS real-time kernel, provides a detailed tutorial of the API's to implement the various features of the uC/OS RTOS and then goes on to build some real-time projects .
    (value = $97)