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Course Description Video (Must Watch)

Modern Embedded GUI with TouchGFX

Complete Source Code Included

9+ hours of training content

Crafting Next-Gen Embedded User Experiences with TouchGFX

Do you want to embark on a transformative journey with me?

Introducing Modern Embedded GUI with TouchGFX. This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to create engaging, intuitive, and visually striking graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for embedded systems.

At the heart of this course is TouchGFX, a powerful open-source GUI framework that's changing the embedded systems industry.

You'll dive deep into this robust tool, learning to leverage its flexibility and robustness to design GUIs that are not only functional but also user-centric and aesthetically pleasing.

Crafting Next-Gen Embedded User Experiences with TouchGFX
The course begins by laying a strong foundation, introducing you to the fundamentals of TouchGFX, its setup, and the basics of embedded graphics.

You'll then take a deep dive into the various features of TouchGFX, including its designer tool, graphics engine, abstraction layer, and the principles of asset and memory management within the framework.

Next, you'll immerse yourself in the foundational concepts integral to mastering TouchGFX. This includes understanding the main loop, framebuffers, the concept of a screen, invalidation, and various image and font formats. We'll also delve into the integration with touch events and gestures, the role of an RTOS in GUI applications, and techniques for evaluating performance.

Our exploration of the Model View Presenter (MVP) architecture will help you comprehend the benefits and responsibilities of this design pattern, giving you an edge in developing maintainable and scalable embedded GUI solutions.
The course will then move towards a detailed overview of various UI components and how to create them in TouchGFX, including buttons, switches, text areas, keyboards, sliders, progress bars and much more.

The final modules of this course will be dedicated to practical implementation, where you'll undertake several hands-on projects such as controlling GPIO pins using GUI buttons, developing a clock using the RTC and GUI clock widget, displaying real-time sensor data, and sending GUI data to communication peripherals like UART.
The final stage of the course will be the development of a full-fledged embedded dashboard for displaying data, combining all the elements learned throughout the course to build a complete, professional-grade GUI.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

Navigate the MVP Architecture: 

Understand and utilize the Model-View-Presenter architecture in TouchGFX applications.

Create Interactive UIs: 

Develop responsive, interactive user interfaces using touch inputs, widget hierarchies, and transition frameworks.

Develop UI Components:

 Create buttons, switches, text areas, keyboards, sliders, progress bars, scroll wheels, swipe containers, toggle buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes, lists, images, and animations.

Integrate with Hardware:

 Learn to control GPIO pins, interact with real-time sensor data, and send GUI data to communication peripherals like UART.

Develop Full Applications:

Develop a complete embedded dashboard application for displaying data.

Create Amazing User Experiences:

With all the skills you've gained, you'll be able to design and build user-friendly, visually appealing interfaces that enhance the user experience.
The future of embedded GUI development is here, and it starts with Modern Embedded GUI with TouchGFX. So sign up today, and start your journey towards becoming an expert in creating exceptional user experiences for embedded projects.

A little about me : Israel Ninsaw Gbati
Some of you may have taken some of my embedded systems courses from other online platforms. 
This is my private channel. 

I have been writing embedded firmware for years, I have built embedded devices like consumer products and robotic arms.
Till date I have 
trained over 100,000 students in embedded
 firmware development online till date
...including third year undergraduate university students in-person.

If you have taken any of my courses before you will know I start from the absolute basics, I do not assume that the student has any prior knowledge of the topic under discussion. You will also know that by the end of the course you understand the functions of every register used in developing the particular firmware or driver.

This method is the same for all of my published embedded systems courses. 

Our courses have been reviewed by 1000+ students
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      Super Cool Bonus 

      Micrium uC/OS-III RTOS Programming From Ground Up on ARM

      This course teaches you how to build real-time applications using Micrium's uC /OS-III, one of the most popular industry grade real-time operating systems for embedded systems.  

      The course gives a detailed overview of the characteristics of the uC/OS real-time kernel, provides a detailed tutorial of the API's to implement the various features of the uC/OS RTOS and then goes on to build some real-time projects .
      (value = $97)